Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake” : A Video About Monarch Mind Control
Katy Perry’s music video “Wide Awake” is another offering from the pop music industry that conceals references to Monar…
The truth about Blue Ivy, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Croatia & their idiotic fans
While the majority readers on Hollywood I. are college educated folks or folks that have some college, I do have that e…
Whitney Houston’s Death & Southern Black Freemasons in Hollywood. (Oprah, Brandy, Ray-J, Tyler Perry, 50 Cent)
Being that I am very well schooled in Illuminati Occult Training, I immediately recognized the circle, divided into fo…
Several newspapers have reported that Lauryn Hill was in trouble with the government for not filing taxes from 2005-200…
Obamacare SCOTUS Ruling: Here's how they will implement it
I just got a txt from a friend today who is at a hospital that has already implemented "Technology on Hand" p…
Don’t Be Alarmed: Troops Train For Martial Law With Tanks on the Streets of America As Corporate Media Runs Cover Up
dont believe that dont b alarm crap the media is one of the number one driving force of keeping u blinded.... By Alex T…