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Who’s Jacky Talking About? – May 10, 2012    by Jacky Jasper

Who’s Jacky Talking About? – May 10, 2012 by Jacky Jasper

This week’s blind item is best known for a duet he recorded with a now slain rapper’s wife, which was our mystery man’…

Christ Not Born Of A Virgin??? More Dangerous Heresy Spews Forth From The Hebrew Camp!

EVEN JASON VOORHEES KNOW THAT IS HERESY AND EVIL BLASPHAMY This has to be one of the biggest heresies that I have hea…

Was Phyllis Hyman Warning of Her Looming Death?

HSK Exclusive - Word from the streets… The suicide of Phyllis Hyman may have come as a shock to many, but it was no s…
these r evil spirits playing games

these r evil spirits playing games

When they returned home from the hospital the day their 17-year-old daughter Melissa died in September 2004 from injuri…

NY Post Writer Phil Mushnick Will Not Apologize For Being a Racist

Y Post writer Phil Mushnick said he will not apologize for telling Jay Z to re-name the Brooklyn Nets as the New York …
The U.S. Government’s Demonic Worship and Rituals in Alaska.

The U.S. Government’s Demonic Worship and Rituals in Alaska.

First of all, the British Royal Family, maintains a copy of King Solomon Keys(the real book and not what is on Amazon.c…
Hollywood’s Selling of Satan, Homosexuals & Occult TV

Hollywood’s Selling of Satan, Homosexuals & Occult TV

America’s Satanic Media, Deviant Sexual Chemical Altered People and U.S. Government Child Sex Slaves in Kentucky. If …