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Ask Jacky… Was There an Assasination Attempt on 50 Cent?    by Jacky Jasper

Ask Jacky… Was There an Assasination Attempt on 50 Cent? by Jacky Jasper

I use to work in the music industry for about 8 years I quit last September and decided to change my life and give it t…
Ne-Yo’s Mama Lorraine has a Violent Past    by Jacky Jasper

Ne-Yo’s Mama Lorraine has a Violent Past by Jacky Jasper

HSK Exclusive - The woman who Ne-Yo calls ‘mom’ is no stranger to court orders which distance her from her loved ones. …
Ohio man kills wife, daughter at Cracker Barrel restaurant and is shot dead by officers

Ohio man kills wife, daughter at Cracker Barrel restaurant and is shot dead by officers

CLEVELAND — A man whose wife had just told him she was leaving him shot and killed her and one of their daughters, who …

dont do it brittt girl

Britney Spears former bodyguard plans to release a tell-all book exposing Britney's penchant for orgies and lesbian…

Kerry Washington Banned from the White House?

ICHELLE OBAMA has barred sexy “Scandal” star Kerry Washington from the White House because of her “flirty” relationship…
jack back lol

jack back lol

The latest artist to sign with Young Money is back at her hoish ways again. She has been frequently offering her 'a…
Man took photos of the UFO that abducted him - Looks impressive!,

Man took photos of the UFO that abducted him - Looks impressive!,

This guy took pictures of his abductors after being returned from their craft - here in this interview, he tells his st…